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Project 92

92% of our cancer community told us that they find life after cancer harder than cancer treatment

Covid-19 has brought Life After Cancer enormous opportunity. Taking our support online allowed us to reach adults around the UK and sometimes, further afield. During this time our community size has increased, we're facilitating double the number of support groups, double the programmes, which are all at capacity and more adults are requesting free one-to-one support. Covid-19 has allowed us to support more adults and has allowed our community to support, listen and connect to a larger community. This empowers participants to make a positive contribution to their own, and other people’s cancer journeys - which we need to continue. 

Life after Cancer needs to raise funds to continue supporting adults who’ve had cancer. This will enable us to facilitate a weekly cancer support group and deliver coaching programmes. This will allow 728 adults who've had cancer to form close bonds with people in the community, increasing their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing, reducing the risk of serious mental distress and helping them to build a positive life after their cancer experience.


Find below an exciting series of activities and lots of opportunities to get involved.

A Gentle January Gift

Your Daily Dose of Wellbeing

During January 2022, we're going to be delivering A Gentle January Gift. This package which is a bit like a January advent calendar will consist of a daily 9.2 minute video (throughout the month) which will be delivered to your inbox at 9.20am each morning. The aim is to increase mental wellbeing. This package is open to all - not just those that have had cancer. 

Take part by purchasing and/or gifting A Gentle January Gift for just £12.

Coming Soon

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Please consider sharing these activities with a friend or making a donation.

World Cancer Day - In The Window


A corporate business initiative.

Coming Soon



Come up with an idea that involves the numbers nine and two.
Complete your challenge over 9.2 days in your own personal way.

Coming Soon
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